I write to enthusiastically support the candidacy of Greg Christiana for moderator in the Arlington election of Saturday, April 2.
I have been a Town Meeting member for a number of years. I actually dropped out of Town Meeting for a while because I could never get called on to speak and I assumed there must be some process to get recognized that I did not understand.
Last year, I proposed a warrant article that would model procedures in other nearby towns and would make the process of recognizing speakers more transparent. Even after hearing my rationale and why the article was needed, it was vehemently opposed by Mr. Leone, who wanted to retain the ability to call on people he wanted.
I first got to know Greg when we worked together, with the NAACP’s Zane Crute, to write a series of columns on police reform. I have found Greg to be passionate about the importance of democracy and civil governance in the lives of people. Logically then, it is not surprising to learn that he has a vision for how he would like to see the Town Moderator role. That vision would center our Town Meeting process on transparency, fairness and inclusion.
With Greg Christiana as Town Moderator, the people you elect to represent you from your precinct will be heard. Please cast your vote for Greg Christiana for town moderator.